Module textures


A Texture represents raw image data, in GPU memory, ready for drawing. A TextureManager can load and cache Textures, index them by name, and make sure they are all destroyed at once. It can also load Texture resource-packs.


TextureInfo = object
  filename*: string            ## filename used to load the Texture
  name*: string                ## name of the Texture
  description*: string         ## a description of the Texture
  authors*: seq[string]        ## authors of the Texture
Meta-data describing a Texture
Texture = ref object
  info*: TextureInfo           ## meta-data describing the Texture
  width*: int                  ## width of the Texture in pixels
  height*: int                 ## height of the Texture in pixels
  handle: TexturePtr           ## Pointer to actual Texture
Used for rendering image data
TextureManager = ref object
  window: WindowPtr            ## window for loading image files
  display: RendererPtr         ## display for rendering Textures
  registry: Table[string, Texture] ## Loaded Textures by name
Used for loading and managing Textures


proc destroy(tm: TextureManager) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Destroy references to each loaded texture. The TextureManager will have no loaded Textures after calling this.
proc newTextureManager(window: WindowPtr; display: RendererPtr): TextureManager {.
    raises: [], tags: [].}
proc contains(tm: TextureManager; name: string): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc load(tm: TextureManager; name, filename: string; description: string = nil;
         authors: seq[string] = nil): Texture {.
    raises: [KeyError, NoSuchResourceError, ValueError, InvalidResourceError],
    tags: [ReadDirEffect].}
proc loadPack(tm: TextureManager; filename: string) {.raises: [ValueError, IOError,
    Exception, JsonParsingError, IndexError, InvalidResourceError, KeyError,
    NoSuchResourceError], tags: [ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}

Load a resource-pack of Textures. Assets inside of a Texture resource-pack should be objects with at least a filename field.

Example TextureAsset JSON

"example_texture": {
  "filename": "textures/example_texture.png", # required
  "description": "A texture used as an example",
  "authors": ["foo", "bar"]
proc get(tm: TextureManager; name: string): Texture {.
    raises: [NoSuchResourceError, KeyError], tags: [].}
proc render(display: RendererPtr; texture: Texture; x, y: int) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Blit the entire Texture to the target renderer as the specifed coordinates.
proc render(display: RendererPtr; texture: Texture;
           sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height: int) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Blit a specific region of the Texture to the target renderer as the specified coordinates.